apparently im not the only one who feel this, one of my friend did asked a 'male', she asked that, why did love so selfish, sometime so lovable, sometime the guys....hmmm... '
three minutes hot', it means by, starting couple, well it goes very well, everyday on call, text what they're doing, text where are they, text on EVERYTHING!!!! Well, her question tick on my mind, what really goes in my mind, it really ticking, ticking, ticking.... then i joined in the conversation, and listened to a guy...(a lot of reasons). he said, at first, ya of course, excited man...if you get closer to others, hmmm get into
HULK... meet in everyday, after a while, then this boy will less doing on what they usually did. Why??? answer is : at first, all the love already shown to the girls, he might thought that he get the girl.
but for me, even kind of bored, but....hold on man, hold on as usual, if stop! there will be something happen, i mean maybe argument, worse case will break up. but keep it up!!!!!
HEY GUYS!!! you get a girl, then take care of her, don't just because you bored of doing something that you did before then you ignore her, she has feeling, she will feel that you ignore her even she know that she's yours.
im not the only one who felt this, it just we don't realize, when somebody talked about it comes out... pop out !!! what i know... "APPRECIATE those who loves you"